سافت ژل دایناول اروند فارمد

Dynawell Alvand Pharmed Softgel

دریافت اپلیکیشن دارویاب

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زیست اروند فارمد

[ ایران ]

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    قرص دایناول محتوی کلیه ویتامین های مورد نیاز بدن به همراه مواد معدنی و جینسینگ می باشد. تقویت عمومی بدن، بهبود عملکرد بینایی و تقویت سیستم ایمنی از اثرات این مکمل غذایی است

اطلاعات دارویی سافت ژل دایناول اروند فارمد
Drug Information For Dynawell Alvand Pharmed Softgel

What is DynaWell
Micronutrients have various functions, including helping to produce enzymes, hormones, and other substances necessary for growth and development. Lack of micronutrients, in addition to causing serious health problems, can lead to a decrease in energy levels and mental performance. As a result, problems such as a drop in academic results, a decrease in work efficiency, and an increase in the risk of diseases arise.
Proper nutrition and supplementation can prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies. A suitable daily supplement, such as DynaWell, can provide essential micronutrients and be effective in increasing energy and reducing mental and physical fatigue.
DynaWell softgel capsule is a dietary supplement containing vitamins, minerals, ginseng and various compounds and is designed to provide micronutrients and a number of substances needed for the body.

Product Review
What is the benefit of providing micronutrients to the body by taking the DynaWell supplement?

 Micronutrients are one of the main nutrients needed by the body and include vitamins and minerals. The body needs micronutrients in small amounts, but their role is vital, and the lack of any of them causes many problems. Micronutrients have a variety of functions, including helping to produce enzymes, hormones, and other substances necessary for growth and development. Lack of micronutrients, in addition to causing serious problems for health, can lead to a decrease in energy level and mental performance. As a result, issues such as a drop in academic results, a reduction in work efficiency, and an increase in the risk of diseases arise.
Proper nutrition and supplementation can prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies. A suitable daily supplement, such as DynaWell, can provide essential micronutrients and be effective in increasing energy and reducing mental and physical fatigue.

What is the role of the ginseng herbal component in DynaWell?
 Panax ginseng or Asian or Korean ginseng contains the active substance ginsenoside and strengthens mental and physical performance. It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The anti-fatigue effects of Panax ginseng are exerted through the following mechanisms:
•    Antioxidant activity
•    Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism
•    Promotion of mitochondrial function
•    Neuroprotection effects
•    Inhibition of apoptosis
Panax Ginseng boosts the immune system through an increase in T cells, B cells, and other white blood cells.
Introduction of other DynaWell ingredients and their role:

Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE)4
DMAE can enhance learning, memory, and mood by:
•    Producing acetylcholine, a primary neurotransmitter involved in learning and memory.
•    Scavenging free radicals.

Lecithin is broken down into choline and can:
•    Enhance athletic performance
•    Alleviate stress and anxiety
•    Reduce inflammation
•    Prevent the onset of dementia

Rutin is a bioflavonoid and has several activities, including:
•    Anti-Alzheimer activity by preventing neuroinflammation.
•    Anti-depressant effects due to increasing the availability of serotonin and noradrenaline. 
•    Anti-fatigue properties

Vitamins and Minerals 
•    Have critical roles in physical and mental fatigue through cellular energy production and supply of oxygen to muscles and the brain.
•    Have important roles in every stage of the immune response.

Uses (indications) of DynaWell:
•       Providing the body with the required micronutrients 
•       Improving general health
•       Reducing fatigue and increasing energy
•       Increasing concentration and memory
•       Improving the function of the immune system

DynaWell dosage form:
Oral softgel capsule

How to take DynaWell:
One softgel capsule of DynaWell should be taken daily, preferably in the morning with food.

DynaWell product packaging:
DynaWell supplement is produced in a package of 30 softgels.

Use of DinaWell supplement during pregnancy or breastfeeding:
It is contraindicated to use Dynawell during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How much and how often should you use DynaWell softgel capsules?

Adults are recommended to take one capsule once daily, with food, preferably at breakfast or as prescribed by a doctor or pharmacist.

How many capsules are available in one bottle of DynaWell softgel capsules?
30 capsules

How should you keep/store your DynaWell softgel capsules?
Store below 25°C. Protect it from light and moisture and keep it out of reach for children.

When is the best time to take DynaWell?
Adults are advised to take one DynaWell capsule each morning with food for optimal results. It's important to swallow the capsule whole with a glass of water. This routine ensures the supplement's best absorption and effectiveness.


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سایر برند های این شرکت قرص دالفیرا 10 میلی گرم قرص آهسته رهش پگلیمت 12.5/1000 میلی گرم قرص پگلیمت 12.5/500 میلی گرم قرص پگلیمت 5/1000میلی گرم قرص پگلیمت 5/500 میلی گرم قرص آهسته رهش پگلیمت 25/1000 میلی گرم قرص آهسته رهش پگلیمت 5/1000 میلی گرم قرص آهسته رهش پگلیمت 10/1000 میلی گرم قرص نانوجید 90 میلی گرم قرص ونوتیکا 90 میلی گرم قرص ونوتیکا 60 میلی گرم قرص گلیپتینو 5 میلی گرم ویال آرنوکسا 300 میلی گرم/16.7 میلی لیتر قرص آوانو 10/5 میلی گرم قرص آوانو 25/5 میلی گرم قرص توفاسینیب زیست اروند 5 میلی گرم قرص آوانومت 5/2.5/1000 میلی گرم قرص آوانومت 12.5/2.5/1000 میلی گرم قرص آوانومت 25/5/1000 میلی گرم قرص آوانومت 10/5/1000 میلی گرم قرص نانوجید 360 میلی گرم قرص نانوجید 180 میلی گرم قرص آوامت 2.5/1000 میلی گرم قرص زینارو 500 میلی گرم-رانولازین ویال رمدسیویر اروندفارمد 100 میلی گرم/20 میلی لیتر قرص دپرتون 40 میلی گرم قرص رنال فکت قرص زیوالس 49/51 میلی گرم قرص زیوالس 99/103 میلی گرم قرص زیوالس 24/26 میلی گرم ویال ردوکسیفر 500 میلی گرم/10 میلی لیتر کپسول اکتیوایج 300 میلی گرم کپسول نانودی 2000 واحد سافت ژل پرفورم آپ 1000 میلی گرم سافت ژل پرفورم آپ 500 میلی گرم قرص زینارو 1000 میلی گرم قرص آوامت 2.5/500 میلی گرم ژل تسهیل باروری لومیستا قرص جوشان آوی دفرون 500 میلی گرم کپسول آلاریچ اروند فارمد 600 میلی گرم کپسول+پماد رمیلوتوس اروند فارمد کپسول سای گیمر اروند فارمد-سایگیمر کپسول انرژآپ اروند فارمد ژل واژینال ضد بارداری فانتاژیا اروند فارمد کپسول آماتیور اروند فارمد قرص پرمیلاتیک 20 میلی گرم قرص پرمیلاتیک 30 میلی گرم سافت ژل سایت کر نمایش بیشتر
گلوتریو محصولات زیست اروند فارمد پروپولیس کلسیم پلاس ابوریحان شیاف ایبوپروفن فاراموکس شربت نوسکاف اپلیشکن اندرورید و آی او اس دارویاب-app drug info